To empower people with the knowledge and skills so that they may live in harmony and balance with all energies in the 21st century and beyond
To empower people with the knowledge and skills so that they may live in harmony and balance with all energies in the 21st century and beyond
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"Poet-baiting" became a popular pastime in Dundee, but McGonagall seemed oblivious to the general opinion of his poems, even when his audience were pelting him with eggs and vegetables.
Noch vor dem Xerox Alto von 1973 gab es Doug Engelbarts NLS (oN-Line System), das erste grafische System mit der Maus als Eingabegerät, Fenstern, Hypertext, EMail, interaktiver Texteingabe und Videoconferencing, alles 1968 in der Mother of All Demos präsentiert:
Mehr GUI-Screenshots:
"A modest man, who has much to be modest about." — Winston Churchill (of Clement Attlee)
"I decided to go into a draconian diet, cutting alcohol, fat, and sugar. In two weeks, I lost 14 days." — Tim Maia