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Der massage pixel Screen ist hypnotisch Ø_ø
Der massage pixel Screen ist hypnotisch Ø_ø
SymbOS was originally started as an experiment to find out to what extent it is possible to implement a multitasking based operating system with a windowed GUI on an 8-bit computer from 1985.
Wolfenstein 3D mit 10 FPS. Wie 1992, nur jetzt im Browser und mit JavaScript, woohoo!
Klasse Doku über den Font Helvetica und seinen Einfluss auf Typografie, Grafikdesign und unsere Kultur, mit Interviews interessanter Grafik- und Fontdesignern.
I wonder whether or not somehow there's some whole undiscovered science of typographie... That it's not just because we're used to seeing it. It's not just beause it was associated with all these things we consider authoritative, but it somehow has this kind of inherent rightness.
You know the rightness of the way the lower case a meets the curve, the rightness of the way the G has a thing that comes down, the rightness of the way the c strokes are straight instead of askew...
I wouldn't have believed that those things actually could be right or wrong as opposed to someones taste. Yet you sort of have nearly fifty years of history of that thing, just sitting there, daring people to fix it. And it seems to be unfixable.
- Michael Bierut
Auch gute Musik dabei, z.B. von El Ten Eleven, Sam Prekop, dem Chicago Underground Quartet oder Kieran Hebden.
1000 16x16 Icons, frei verwendbar für private und kommerzielle Projekte.
Die bekannten Silk Icons sind vielfältiger und bieten vor allem Webdesignern mehr. Die Fugue Icons sind dagegen feiner gezeichnet und konsistenter.
Wenn Fugue alles hat, was man braucht, ists eine gute Alternative zu den omnipräsenten klopsigen Silk Icons.
Ein neues Dotcomtod bzw. englisches BooCompany.
A compendium of what services and companies are no longer available for our Internet pleasure and use.