

Lenna is the name given to a standard test image originally cropped from a Playboy magazine centerfold picture of Lena Söderberg, a Swedish model who posed nude for the November 1972 issue.
· bild, wikipedia ·


ZOMBIE is an acronym, and stands for Zombie-Oriented Machine-Being Interface Engine.

  • The language should allow the necromancer to animate dead bodies, summon and control spirits, and solve any computable problem.
  • There should be sensible guarantees against overwriting system memory, monopolising CPU cycles, and releasing malicious entities into the world.
  • The language must be inherently evil.
· :D, esoteric programming ·

DM's Esoteric Programming Languages - HQ9++

HQ9++ has four syntax elements:

  • H Prints "Hello, world!".
  • Q Prints the entire text of the source code file.
  • 9 Prints the complete canonical lyrics to "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall".
  • + Increments the accumulator.
  • ++ When the sequence ++ is encountered, it (naturally) increments the accumulator twice, and also instantiates an object of a new subclass of the generic superclass. In line with the best data-hiding principles, there is no way to access this object.
· :D, esoteric programming ·


Nichtdeterministisches Java.

Java2K is not a deterministic programming language, but a probabilistic one. Even for built-in functions, there is only a certain probability the function will do whatever you intend it to do. All Functions have two different implementations. At runtime, based on a pseudo-RNG, the actual implementation is choosen. This is in line with common physicalist assumptions about the nature of the universe - there is never absolute security, there is always only probability.

· esoteric programming, java ·


Kostenlose Plugins fürs Mac OS X Dictionary.
Mauszeiger über ein Wort, Cmd + Ctrl + D -> kleines Dictionary-Fenster öffnet sich. Aber nur in Cocoa-Programmen, also z.B. nicht im Firefox.

· dictionary, mac, tool ·