War Stuff
via selectrix
via selectrix
Fineliner auf Heftrand, anno 2003, Doppelstunde Politische Weltkunde
Musik vom Party Boy.
Reddit befragt Microsoft über den IE9. Microsoft antwortet mit 100% Markedroid Bullshit. Heute gibts die zweite Fragerunde. Nur noch 90% Bullshit.
Bookmarklet zum zerschießen von Webseiten per Asteroids-Raumschiff.
I mean, give a nerd a NAND gate and you're gonna get a computer.
The first suspect that shot himself on the sixth floor of the University of Texas campus Library (Perry-Castaneda Library) was carrying a AK47. There was supposed to be some event tonight at the university about gun debates, this will probably contribute to that meeting.