
GDC Austin: An Inside Look At The Universe Of Warcraft

There are over 27 hours of music in World of Warcraft currently

[The Blizzard Online Network services group has] data centers from Texas to Seoul, and monitor over 13,250 server blades, 75,000 cpu cores, and 112.5 terabytes of blade RAM.

Overall the art department is responsible for some 1.5 million assets.

In all, the programming team is responsible for some 5.5 million lines of code.

Over the years, the team has created some 70,000 spells and some 40,000 NPCs.

As an organization, World of Warcraft utilizes 20,000 computer systems, 1.3 petabytes of storage, and more than 4600 people.

· spiel, whoa ·

Puls by Rrrola

Die utimative 256 Byte Demo. 3D per raycasting, animiert, Fischaugeneffekt, Ambient Occlusion. Whoa.

B0 13 53 BA C8 03 CD 10 88 D8 84 CB 7A 05 F6 E8
C1 E8 07 F6 EB 88 E0 EE B2 C9 E2 EC B1 03 4B 75
E9 68 CE 9F 07 B7 56 DB E3 83 00 58 DF 00 D9 FB
DC F9 DF 00 D8 0C D9 FE DE 0C 66 5A 06 55 60 89
1F 8B 05 DF 05 F7 E8 29 17 4F 7B F5 DF 07 66 81
05 CD CC 00 00 D8 CC D9 C0 D8 CE D9 CA D8 CD DC
EA D8 CE DE C1 D9 CA 47 7B EB 4F 6B 10 0A DF 19
89 17 02 34 00 FB 73 F6 99 B4 E6 11 D9 E8 15 00
28 CC D5 04 04 46 89 45 FC 61 45 26 88 02 75 AE
E4 60 48 75 92 B3 00 8B 29 D3 FD 31 D5 01 2F 00
FB 73 F4 D6 DF 10 51 D3 E9 80 C5 25 8B 10 F7 18
69 E8 00 80 2B 29 79 02 F7 DD D1 ED 01 EA 89 2F
00 FB 73 EC 39 CA 40 72 25 B3 02 7A DF 2B 10 40
2B 10 80 EE 60 6B D2 0D 8B 14 70 02 40 99 2B 2F
79 02 F7 DD 01 EA 8B 2F 00 FB 73 F2 39 CA 59 19
D2 F5 18 D1 10 D1 80 F9 06 73 04 00 D4 75 96 C3

· demoscene, whoa ·

Smooth path in canvas

Ich spiel grad mit <canvas> rum und wollte eine Kurve möglichst fließend durch Punkte führen:


Viele Algorithmen laufen entweder nicht durch jeden Punkt oder setzen voraus, dass man die Pixel selbst malen will, was gerade bei Anti-Aliasing recht mühselig wird. Ich fand dann einen netten Algorithmus von Jean-Yves Quéinec, der Bézier-Splines so hinbiegt, dass eine durchgehende schöne Kurve entsteht. Manchmal gibts noch leicht merkwürdige Kurventeile aber insgesamt funktioniert es gut.

Der Code: smooth_path.js

Die Funktion bekommt ein Array von Punkten und erstellt einen Pfad, den man dann selbst malen kann.

  • path - Ein Punkte-Array der Form [{x:0, y:0}, {x:10, y:10}, ...]

  • smoothness - Der Grad der Biegung. 0 glättet nichts, 1.05 macht aus einem Quadrat einen Kreis und auch sonst schöne Kurven, alles andere erzeugt lustige Formen.

  • joinPath - Falls true werden die Kurven am Anfang und Ende des Pfades aufeinander ausgerichtet, sodass eine durchgehende Form entsteht, wenn Anfangs- und Endpunkt aufeinander liegen.

  • c - der canvas-Kontext

Wer Fehler findet oder Verbesserungen hat, immer her damit :)


var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var c = canvas.getContext('2d');
var path = [{x: 100, y: 100}, {x: 20, y: 150}, {x: 200, y: 200}, {x: 100, y: 100}];
var smoothness = 1.05;
var joinPath = true;
smoothPath(path, smoothness, joinPath, c);

Und eine kleine Demo. Per Maus die Punkte setzen, mit dem Slider die smoothness verändern.

· meins, canvas, grafik, javascript, jquery ·

List of unusual deaths

1814: London Beer Flood, 9 people were killed when 323,000 imperial gallons (1 468 000 L) of beer in the Meux and Company Brewery burst out of their vats and gushed into the streets.

1919: In the Boston Molasses Disaster, 21 people were killed and 150 were injured when a tank containing as much as 2,300,000 US gal (8 700 000 L) of molasses exploded, sending a wave traveling at approximately 35 mph (56 km/h) through part of Boston, Massachusetts.

2008: Gerald Mellin, a U.K. businessman, committed suicide by tying one end of a rope around his neck and the other to a tree. He then hopped into his Aston Martin DB7 and drove down a main road in Swansea until the rope decapitated him. He supposedly did this as an act of revenge against his ex-wife for leaving him.

2009: Martin Cassidy, a 44-year-old stand-up comedian from Blackburn, England, died from asphyxia caused by breathing in large quantities of laughing gas while watching pornography on his laptop computer, according to a coroner. The coroner ruled a case of "Death by misadventure".

· :D, tod ·