
In google maps

Google Maps Animated Marker Move

Marker kann man in Google Maps zwar mit setPosition() verschieben, dies wird aber nicht animiert. Da es doch recht schön ist, wenn Marker nicht einfach rumspringen, schrieb ich die folgende Funktion. Einfach einbinden und an einem Marker aufrufen. Optional jQuery und das jQuery Easing Plugin nehmen, um mehr als nur linear zu animieren.

Demo: (auf Karte klicken)

Demo auf eigener Seite

Die Funktion:

// Animated Marker Movement. Robert Gerlach 2012-2013
// MIT license
// params:
// newPosition        - the new Position as google.maps.LatLng()
// options            - optional options object (optional)
// options.duration   - animation duration in ms (default 1000)
// options.easing     - easing function from jQuery and/or the jQuery easing plugin (default 'linear')
// options.complete   - callback function. Gets called, after the animation has finished
google.maps.Marker.prototype.animateTo = function(newPosition, options) {
  defaultOptions = {
    duration: 1000,
    easing: 'linear',
    complete: null
  options = options || {};

  // complete missing options
  for (key in defaultOptions) {
    options[key] = options[key] || defaultOptions[key];

  // throw exception if easing function doesn't exist
  if (options.easing != 'linear') {            
    if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined' || !jQuery.easing[options.easing]) {
      throw '"' + options.easing + '" easing function doesn\'t exist. Include jQuery and/or the jQuery easing plugin and use the right function name.';
  window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame;
  window.cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame;

  // save current position. prefixed to avoid name collisions. separate for lat/lng to avoid calling lat()/lng() in every frame
  this.AT_startPosition_lat = this.getPosition().lat();
  this.AT_startPosition_lng = this.getPosition().lng();
  var newPosition_lat =;
  var newPosition_lng = newPosition.lng();

  // crossing the 180° meridian and going the long way around the earth?
  if (Math.abs(newPosition_lng - this.AT_startPosition_lng) > 180) {
    if (newPosition_lng > this.AT_startPosition_lng) {      
      newPosition_lng -= 360;      
    } else {
      newPosition_lng += 360;

  var animateStep = function(marker, startTime) {            
    var ellapsedTime = (new Date()).getTime() - startTime;
    var durationRatio = ellapsedTime / options.duration; // 0 - 1
    var easingDurationRatio = durationRatio;

    // use jQuery easing if it's not linear
    if (options.easing !== 'linear') {
      easingDurationRatio = jQuery.easing[options.easing](durationRatio, ellapsedTime, 0, 1, options.duration);
    if (durationRatio < 1) {
      var deltaPosition = new google.maps.LatLng( marker.AT_startPosition_lat + (newPosition_lat - marker.AT_startPosition_lat)*easingDurationRatio,
                                                  marker.AT_startPosition_lng + (newPosition_lng - marker.AT_startPosition_lng)*easingDurationRatio);

      // use requestAnimationFrame if it exists on this browser. If not, use setTimeout with ~60 fps
      if (window.requestAnimationFrame) {
        marker.AT_animationHandler = window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {animateStep(marker, startTime)});                
      } else {
        marker.AT_animationHandler = setTimeout(function() {animateStep(marker, startTime)}, 17); 

    } else {

      if (typeof options.complete === 'function') {


  // stop possibly running animation
  if (window.cancelAnimationFrame) {
  } else {
  animateStep(this, (new Date()).getTime());

Aufruf: ```javascript var marker = new google.maps.Marker({position: new google.maps.LatLng(0,0), map: myMap, title: 'Hello World!'}); var newPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(13,42);

// move marker in 1000ms and with linear animation. marker.animateTo(newPosition);

// or with callback and options for easing and duration in milliseconds. Needs jQuery Easing Plugin. marker.animateTo(newPosition, { easing: "easeOutBounce", duration: 1000, complete: function() { alert("animation complete"); } });

<p>Das ganze auf <a href="">github</a>.</p>
· google maps, javascript · ★