
In hacking

50 Days of Lulz

Der womöglich letzte Release von LulzSec. Inkl. 250.000 Userdaten aus diversen Foren, 550.000 Battlefield Heroes Accounts, internen Daten von AOL und AT&T und anderen Albernheiten.

· antisec, hacking, lulz ·

Pwnie Award Winners


Pwnie Awards der BlackHat Konferenz 2009 für die cleversten Hacks, interessantesten Bugs und den besten Hacker Song.

This is your career on life support (whaaat?)
and we're not white hats tryin to write reports
any box can be popped with the right resource
so your threat model's worthless, NICE REPORT

Doctor Raid - Nice Report

· :D, hacking ·