
In whoa

GDC Austin: An Inside Look At The Universe Of Warcraft

There are over 27 hours of music in World of Warcraft currently

[The Blizzard Online Network services group has] data centers from Texas to Seoul, and monitor over 13,250 server blades, 75,000 cpu cores, and 112.5 terabytes of blade RAM.

Overall the art department is responsible for some 1.5 million assets.

In all, the programming team is responsible for some 5.5 million lines of code.

Over the years, the team has created some 70,000 spells and some 40,000 NPCs.

As an organization, World of Warcraft utilizes 20,000 computer systems, 1.3 petabytes of storage, and more than 4600 people.

· spiel, whoa · ★

Puls by Rrrola

Die utimative 256 Byte Demo. 3D per raycasting, animiert, Fischaugeneffekt, Ambient Occlusion. Whoa.

B0 13 53 BA C8 03 CD 10 88 D8 84 CB 7A 05 F6 E8
C1 E8 07 F6 EB 88 E0 EE B2 C9 E2 EC B1 03 4B 75
E9 68 CE 9F 07 B7 56 DB E3 83 00 58 DF 00 D9 FB
DC F9 DF 00 D8 0C D9 FE DE 0C 66 5A 06 55 60 89
1F 8B 05 DF 05 F7 E8 29 17 4F 7B F5 DF 07 66 81
05 CD CC 00 00 D8 CC D9 C0 D8 CE D9 CA D8 CD DC
EA D8 CE DE C1 D9 CA 47 7B EB 4F 6B 10 0A DF 19
89 17 02 34 00 FB 73 F6 99 B4 E6 11 D9 E8 15 00
28 CC D5 04 04 46 89 45 FC 61 45 26 88 02 75 AE
E4 60 48 75 92 B3 00 8B 29 D3 FD 31 D5 01 2F 00
FB 73 F4 D6 DF 10 51 D3 E9 80 C5 25 8B 10 F7 18
69 E8 00 80 2B 29 79 02 F7 DD D1 ED 01 EA 89 2F
00 FB 73 EC 39 CA 40 72 25 B3 02 7A DF 2B 10 40
2B 10 80 EE 60 6B D2 0D 8B 14 70 02 40 99 2B 2F
79 02 F7 DD 01 EA 8B 2F 00 FB 73 F2 39 CA 59 19
D2 F5 18 D1 10 D1 80 F9 06 73 04 00 D4 75 96 C3

· demoscene, whoa · ★

Mainframe computer

More recently, there are several IBM mainframe installations that have delivered over a decade of continuous business service as of 2007, with hardware upgrades not interrupting service.

· whoa, wikipedia · ★